stargate universe

Stargate Universe - Official Trailer | HD

Stargate Universe: Destiny's 50 Million Year Flight Path (HD)

SGU's Lost Season 3 | Stargate Secrets

Stargate Universe - Destiny Recharges

Stargate: Universe - Blockade - Eli's Plan - Part 1

David Blue has Three Words for SGU's Ending (GATECON) (Clip)

Stargate Universe - Resurgence Space Battle

Stargate Universe - SGU - Opening Scene HD

Stargate Universe - Destiny's Aerobraking Manoeuvre

Stargate Universe - Recruiting Eli Wallace

Stargate Universe - Eli's Beginning (Season 1 Ep. 1)

Was Stargate Universe ahead of its time?

Stargate Universe - Discovering The Bridge On Destiny

Stargate Universe - Eli's Mom Visits The Destiny

How Powerful was the Destiny? | Stargate Explained (SGU)

Stargate: Atlantis 2004 Cast Then And Now 2022 | Where Are They Now?

Stargate Universe - Eli puts arm in Stargate to keep it open...

Where Was Destiny Going? The Sudden END of Stargate Universe (Dial the Gate)

Stargate Universe - Did Eli survive the journey in SGU?

Stargate Universe: What Happened To Destiny? | Season 3 Revealed!

Stargate Universe - The Blockade

Stargate Universe - Gauntlet (Complete Final Ending)

This Is The Correct Order To Watch The Stargate Franchise

Stargate Universe | Path of Destiny (Part 1)